MISD students may choose to participate in orchestra, band, and/or choir before school beginning in the 5th grade. Buses transport these students from home to IMS or MIHS for their orchestra, band, or choir rehearsal twice per week and then back to their elementary school. All interested students are welcome and encouraged to join! We will teach them everything they need to know; no prior musical training is needed.
For additional information:
Orchestra - Strings (violin, viola, cello, bass)
Orchestra Booster website - www.miorchestra.org
Sarah Hart - sarah.hart@mercerislandschools.org
Bryan Kolk - bryan.kolk@mercerislandschools.org
Band - Woodwinds (flute and clarinet), Brass (trumpet and trombone), and Percussion
Band website - www.mercerislandbands.com
Band Booster website - www.misbb.org
Dave Bentley - david.bentley@mercerislandschools.org
Haley Smith - haley.smith@mercerislandschools.org
Parker Bixby - parker.bixby@mercerislandschools.org
Choir - Voices
Choir Booster website - www.michoir.org
Annalise Rockow - annalise.rockow@mercerislandschools.org
Timeline for Program Entry
- Information will be sent home with all 4th grade students via email and paper flyer inviting everyone to sign up for the 5th Grade Music Program.
- All 4th grade students will attend a concert during the school day to see all three middle school ensembles perform.
- The week after this performance, the music directors will visit all elementary schools for Ensemble Selection Days in which every 4th grader will have the opportunity to sample the sound and feel of each instrument, and meet with the choir director. (Note: These are not competitive auditions - only quick, stress-free, "try it and see" events.)
- After these Ensemble Selection Days, a flyer will come home with information about how to enroll your student in the 5th grade music program through an online form.
- Once you have enrolled your student online, you will receive information via email about an information night for parents.
- At this info night, information about supplies, materials, books, and renting (not purchasing) an instrument will be provided.
- Families will have the summer to make rental arrangements and gather everything students will need.
- There will be two evening lessons which will kick off the program (parents must attend with their students).
- After these two lessons, the twice-per-week morning rehearsals will begin.
Please watch your email beginning in May to learn more about these opportunities to enroll your child!