Activity Bus Use:
During the Winter months, IMS offers an after school activity bus on Tuesday and Thursdays that leaves about 4:10pm.This activity bus is strictly for students participating in after-school clubs, sports, or other school-sponsored activities. Students are not allowed to leave campus (e.g., to go to Starbucks) and then return to take the activity bus home. We ask that families help reinforce this expectation with their students to ensure the bus is used appropriately.
After - School Safety:
As we head into the darker months of the year, we kindly ask that families be mindful of their students’ after-school plans. It gets dark earlier, and we want to ensure all students are safe as they travel to and from school. Please take a moment to discuss safe routes and practices with your child to help them stay safe as they travel home.
Bike Safety:
We are continuing to see unsafe biking practices (including motorized bikes/scooters and traditional bikes) involving middle school students and we are asking for support from our community. Your involvement can help us keep our students safe on the road. Read more here.
Check out the e-Bike and e-Scooter Safety page here.
Car drop off and pick up guidelines
Closed Campus
Islander Middle School is a closed campus. Once students leave for the day, they are not permitted to return to campus unless a parent checks them back in. This policy also applies after school—students should not be roaming freely around campus once dismissed. After school, students need to either head home or participate in a school sponsored club or activity. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that students are following these guidelines.